Quality policy and vision

Customer satisfaction is the main starting point of our quality management policy. In order to satisfy the buyer, it is important to thoroughly research his demands, and evaluate one's own ability to fulfil his wishes, and expectations.

Our company's quality policy is future-oriented. It is based on the vision to become a known and renowned producer of components for the automotive industry.

Our company assures to fulfil the current legislation, the quality standard ISO 9001, and all the other obligations we agree to fulfil.

Our production processes are managed in a way, that the health of our employees is not at risk, and that the continuous quality of our products is ensured. All our processes are continuously supervised, and all risks managed.

We always try to improve our quality management system, safety at work, and product quality.  

Our work towards achieving goals is supervised with management inspections, and internal audits. This way we are preventing errors, introducing improvements, and evaluating the efficiency of the quality management system, and by this ensuring the growth of business quality in all fields.  

The required product quality is ensured with timely preventive measures based on the recognized risks, with continuous trainings, and appropriate motivation of the employees.

The quality policy is available for anyone interested, its realization is the commitment of everyone working in the company.